Princeton Brand Econometrics’ (PBE) ScriptCAST DTC™ simulation has been specifically adapted to address the unique dynamics posed by DTC campaigns. For example, DTC campaigns can generate incremental volume for the advertised brand by bringing in individuals who are not currently treated for the medical condition at all. It can cause individuals who are currently treated with a competitive medication to request and receive the advertised brand. It can increase the compliance rates and persistency rates of individuals currently using the advertised brand. It can increase the probability that the physician prescribes the advertised brand for individuals who don’t request it. ScriptCAST DTC can capture, or model, all of these sources of incremental business. Learn more
With ScriptCAST™ simulation, a marketer can launch a new brand in a limitless number of ways in risk-free virtual reality to see which approach generates the most business, before launching in the real world. The forecasts produced using ScriptCAST simulation have, on average, fallen within +3% of actual Year I Rx’s — greater accuracy than even test markets could achieve. Learn more
Princeton Brand Econometrics (PBE) brings important new thinking and management tools to the mission of improving sales force productivity. Executives who take advantage of PBE’s tools can readily produce double-digit increases in rep productivity (incremental sales). Depending on the size of the company, these productivity increases will translate into tens of millions up to hundreds of millions in annual incremental sales. Learn more