
Princeton Brand Econometrics (PBE) was founded in 1991 by Barry Tannenholz. Mehdi Benchekroun joined the Company within the year after receiving his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Cornell University.

Although PBE has completed several projects for OTC drugs and a groundbreaking price elasticity study for American Express, we have focused on the prescription pharmaceutical industry. Early on, PBE management made the strategic decision to undertake the R&D necessary to create simulators for the pharmaceutical industry. This intense effort has been spearheaded by Mehdi Benchekroun and Barry Tannenholz.

In 2004, Cory Davis joined PBE, where he helped build our client base and automated several components of ScriptCAST. He became a Partner in 2008.

Our employees come from diverse disciplines. They have degrees in mathematics, engineering, physics, economics and statistics. The common thread is that they are all extremely bright, fascinated by the breakthrough nature of their work and proficient at communicating with nontechnical clients.